
Glyphosate - State of play in the European Union
The renewal of glyphosate remains one of the most controversial issues in the EU at the moment. cqualified majority among the Member States to support it. As a compromise, the Commission presented a proposal for a 10 year renewal period instead…

EU open to ‘biodiversity clause’ to end glyphosate deadlock
The European Commission stands ready to insert a clause referring to biodiversity in the glyphosate renewal proposal if it is requested by member states, EURACTIV.com reports.
The glyphosate debate heated up in September when French Environment…

EU dismisses claims of industry influence on glyphosate
The European Commission has dismissed claims of undue industry influence on its proposal to renew the EU approval of the herbicide, glyphosate. Environmentalist group Greenpeace quoted media reports that sections of the European Food Safety…

New EU rodenticide approval approach in force
A new approach for approving anti-coagulant rodenticide products for non-crop use in the EU will come into force on September 29th. It takes the form of a European Commission decision “addressing questions” regarding the comparative assessments…

Glyphosate: Mixed reactions to possible EU ten-year approval
There have been mixed reactions to the European Commission’s confirmation that it plans to suggest a ten-year renewal period for the glyphosate herbicide, with farmers calling for a full 15-year approval and some Members of the European Parliament…

EU updates list of biocide ais in review
The European Commission has issued an updated list of active ingredients that are still going through the EU review of existing biocides, which includes non-crop pesticides. The update applies to a list dating from 2014. It removes ais that…

EU to set new approval criteria for low-risk pesticides in a bid to boost approvals of biological and naturally occurring pesticides.
The European Commission is to clarify and extend the scope of active ingredients that may be considered as “low-risk” substances, in a bid to boost approvals of biological and naturally occurring pesticides. Micro-organisms, baculoviruses…

Plans to make EU legislative decisions more political would threaten innovation and competitiveness.
Industry slams plan to change EU approval decision process.
The European Commission has proposed changes to the “comitology” procedure, where EU member states vote to accept or reject proposals. It wants the last stage, the appeal committee,…
Dextra AgroEurope
Dextra AgroEurope SL (HQ)
Av. Corts Catalanes 9-11, Sant Cugat del Vallés
Barcelona | 08173, Spain
Phone: +34.93.583.95.53
Av. Corts Catalanes 9-11, Sant Cugat del Vallés
Barcelona | 08173, Spain
Phone: +34.93.583.95.53
Dextra AgroAmerica
Dextra AgroAmerica LLC
1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800 & 900
Miami | FL 33131 USA
Phone: +1.305.967.6378
1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800 & 900
Miami | FL 33131 USA
Phone: +1.305.967.6378
Dextra AgroColombia
Dextra AgroColombia SaS
Calle 24 #95 - A No. 80 - Of. 517
Edificio Colfecar | Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: +57 (1) 320.21.96
Calle 24 #95 - A No. 80 - Of. 517
Edificio Colfecar | Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: +57 (1) 320.21.96